1. Rewards
I have found working with the youth in Sunday School, that a great motivator for them is candy. I wanted a way to reward the girls with something every time they completed one of the value experiences. They have to complete 6 experiences in each of the 8 values and at times it can be hard to keep these girls motivated. So I made this chart to help with that. I went to Target and got a candy that represented each value (orange was the hardest, but I ended up going with Dum Dum suckers after taking this picture), a shoe organizer, card stock paper, and found that the best way to attach the labels was Velcro.
I bring this every Sunday and hang it up for the girls to see. So every Sunday, whatever the girls have completed that week and have had it signed off by a leader or their parents, gets to go and get their candy.
The next thing that we will do is the scripture ribbons that are put out by the church for completing each value. I really love that this is in place. I think that these scripture ribbons and clips are beautiful and a great reminder to the girls each time they use their scriptures. The girls get one of these ribbons each time they fully complete a value with each of the 6 experiences done and the project is also done.
One of the big things for me as a Young Women going through the program, was that once it was completed there was not much excitement from the leaders or parents on accomplishing this amazing goal. I do not want these girls to feel that what they have done is not amazing. So I came up with putting together a special gift from the leaders that is presented to them in Church after completing the program and receiving their medallion from the bishop. We invite their parents in to Young Women's and make it a little presentation. They share what they learned through their journey and then I will give them their gift. This is something that I am still working on and will do a post on it once I have it all completed and put together.
Just like receiving their medallion should be recognized and celebrated, accomplishing their Honor Bee should also be something that is celebrated. Again this is something that I am still working on, but will share once I have it.
2. Focus and Follow Up
One of the big things that was stressed to me when I was called, was that while the leaders encourage the girls to work on their Personal Progress, there is not much follow through as the leaders each have other things they have to focus on as well. That is why I was called. They wanted someone who's sole focus was this program and all it had to offer for these girls. I wanted a way to help these girls keep their goals and to be able to follow up with each of them weekly. I made the following spreadsheet here that was very easy for me to keep track of what each girl was working on for that week and then I will also be able to follow up with them to see how they did that week and if they accomplished it. This gives the girls someone who is encouraging them and following up with them to see how it is going and if they need any help. Already by doing this for only two weeks, I have been able to help them sign off things. One girl was trying to do Knowledge Experience #5 but didn't know how to contact a marriage counselor (the chosen career of hers) to talk to. By talking with her, I was able to find this out and helped her find someone to talk with and sign off this experience. Hopefully this is something that can help you as well.
Also one of the big things that I implemented was that the leaders all do the program with the girls. I added them to the bottom of my spreadsheet and do the same thing with them as I do with the girls; call and follow up. I really believe that having the leaders do this with the girls, will encourage everyone to be more focused on Personal Progress.
3. Once a Month Activities
Once a month, I will be with a class during their class activity for mutual. During this time I will be doing a personal progress activity with them. This is a fun way to be with the girls each month and to help them sign off on some goals. These activities will vary depending on the class needs. There will be posts on each of these activities that I do with them.
4. Once a Month Handout
I wanted a way to remind the girls each month to do their Personal Progress. This is just a fun handout they receive from me that gives that little encouragement. I decided on doing these on the 2nd Sunday of each month (so it is not Fast Sunday because I like to include a treat). This month I did this one that I got here.
This was a super easy one as all I did was make a bunch of chocolate chip cookies and put them in baggies and attached the handout. The girls loved the cookies and I hope that they were reminded to do their Personal Progress. So this is my plan. I am hoping to find out what works and what doesn't in these first few months and tweak my plan accordingly. I love these Young Women and am looking forward to my year with them. I am also hoping that this helps you all in your own Personal Progress journeys.
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